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Clear ph Connects to the Community

By February 11, 2016January 26th, 2023No Comments

Brand Makeover

Local non-profit, Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg is a huge and incredible organization that holds the community close to its heart. Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg is one of the biggest social and funding programs in the United States. The foundation has been around as a top contributor for those in need for over one hundred years. As it’s 110th birthday rolls around, they sought a complete brand makeover.

Clear pH reconstructed the existing logo to represent the city’s historical hex pavers. The foundation has seen the city grow and only hopes to improve the health of the city residents. Clear pH recognizes and respects the foundation’s legacy and shares the same commitment and devotion toward the St. Pete area.

Home is Where the Heart is: Helping the Community

Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg distributes funds across the board, whether to shelter the homeless, protect the battered, or feed the low-income families, the Foundation provides support for a wide spectrum of individuals.

The city’s health challenges are due to various social and economic factors, ranging from poverty to education blunders to a lack of access to health services. Clear pH strives to better the city – but in an alternative way. Through creative design for local companies that aim to positively impact the community, we sponsor the growth and health of the community. Although we do design for international companies as well, Clear pH roots run through St. Petersburg: it is home.

Through strong arts and strong business, St. Petersburg flourishes. Participating in that growth contributes to an essential difference in the quality of life for the city’s residents and ultimately creates a legacy that will benefit generations to come.