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Is Gay Athlete Branding The Newest Trend?

By June 27, 2013No Comments

There’s no surprise that more homosexual athletes are able to be more open about their personal lives. What is surprising, though, are the gay athletes that are starting to openly reveal their sexuality. ClearpH would like to congratulate Jason Collins of the Washington Wizards for making history last April. By becoming the first professional male athlete in the four big US pro sports leagues to declare, while still an active player, that he is in fact gay is a huge step in gay pride activism.

Most branding professionals have been making claims that any athlete who came out would be throwing away endorsement opportunities. It appears that times have changed. News has leaked that brands with the likes of Nike have quietly announced interest in talking to any major name athlete contemplating coming forward to declare he and/or she is gay. The future for gay athletes may actually become an asset when negotiating lucrative endorsement deals.

Gleason, the former Saints special teams standout who has made his struggle with ALS public, said in a statement released by the NFLPA that he also wants to speak out for equality. “It’s pretty simple for me, I believe all people are created equal, regardless of their sexuality. To promote respect and acceptance is an important role for NFL players and the NFLPA,” exclaimed Gleason. ClearpH couldn’t be prouder of the athletes that have stepped up to support equality and gay athlete branding.

Certain players, including Chris Kluwe and Brendon Ayanbadejo, have long voiced their support for gay rights. Several NFL players have even been putting their names, as well as their reputation, on the line for the NFL Players Association apparel that recognizes LGBT Pride Month. A few of the professional athletes that have lent their names for the LGBT Pride shirts include Connor Barwin, Terrell Suggs, Domonique Foxworth, Scott Fujita, Chris Gocong, Donté Stallworth and Eric Winston.