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Good, Fast, Cheap: Pick 2

By May 17, 2013January 26th, 2023No Comments

We always try to have a good sense of humor about the design and advertising industries. There is a thin line where humor and irony meet though. The ClearpH process can either flourish or fail depending upon the resources given.

We would never want to blame any client for a venture not reaching it’s full potential. With that being said, some projects are destined to succeed while others are a disaster from the get-go. An example of this outcome would be a client that has an amazing idea, willing to pay what the project is worth, but wants the finished project yesterday. We may get that a-ha moment before ink hits the page or we may have needed more time to fully brainstorm all of our creative options.

Creativity is not a commodity that can be held. Nor is it something that has one low, set price for every out of the box concept. We can rush to produce clean and concise branding. Or we can foster creativity and help ideas flow freely. Every project comes down to three deliverables: Good, Fast, Cheap. Pick the two that matter the most to you.