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Create a Lasting Impression for Your Business

By November 16, 2017January 16th, 2023No Comments

Your business in seven seconds

In some way or another, we all have been coached on how to make a good first impression. Dress the part. Stand up straight. Firm handshake. Smile.

The truth, however, is that most people have already made up their minds within seven seconds of that initial meeting and according to The Harvard Study of Communications55% of a first impression is strictly visual. These are pivotal moments in any interaction and they happen lightening fast.

The same logic can be applied to your office space. The first thing a client or potential employee sees upon entering will likely set the tone for their thoughts on the entire company.

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Office First Impressions: 101

First and foremost, keep things high and tight. The reception area should have refreshments and smiling faces abound. Also, nothing screams disorganized like desks full of disheveled manila folders and crumpled balls of legal paper strewn around wastebaskets. It’s important to keep a tidy office for a multitude of reasons, but one of the most important is the message it sends to every person who visits your space.

The Customer Comes First

Lose the power desk and chair. There are few professions left where one needs to place themselves above everyone else in the room. We live in the age of the customer and therefore, your office space needs to anticipate and accommodate his or her every want and need. Make sure the chairs are cozy and inviting. Is there a place to rest a purse/briefcase other than the floor? Making the clients feel at home is a surefire way to make them WANT to come back.

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A Reflection of Your Brand

It is essential that your office space speaks to your brand. Are your company colors on the walls, in accent pieces, with your carefully-designed logo subtly placed throughout the periphery? What does your office say about your brand, and is it positive?

Be true to your story because every business, great or small, has their own. Lastly, find out what makes your brand unique and make it visible. Make sure the first impression someone has when walking through your front door, is a lasting one.