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Coworking: Curbing the Cubicle

By November 8, 2017January 16th, 2023No Comments

With more freedom in where people can work, what is influencing where people choose to work?

In recent years, there has been a dramatic shift in the modern workplace. Freelancers and independent contractors make up almost 1/3 of the US workforce. Gone are the days of the in-office employee — a laptop and a handful of moxie are the new keys to success, plus a few odds and ends. This migration away from the traditional office has inspired growth in the amount of coworking spaces, or shared workplace environments.

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Cowork Basics

Typically membership-based, coworking spaces enable freelance and remote professionals to work in a shared office. Companies can utilize these facilities to place employees in a productive work environment for a fraction of the cost of an office lease.

Numbers don’t lie

Currently, an estimated 35 percent of American professionals are working on a freelance or contract basis. By 2020, that number is predicted to jump to 40 percent. According to Small Business Lab‘s forecast, the amount of cowork locations will climb to 26,000 unique spaces.

Global research done by Deskmag and Deskwanted said people who choose coworking environments see an increase in:

  • productivity
  • business network
  • social network
  • creativity
  • income

The stats are there, but what do the numbers mean? Simply put — this trend is here to stay.

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Effectiveness in Environmental Design

So, what is it that makes coworks so effective? An effective coworking space has the ability to promote productivity through the process of environmental design.

A major appeal to the coworking experience is the utter destruction of the conventional office image. Whether the space is in a repurposed warehouse or in a metropolitan high-rise, coworking spaces are being created to make people WANT to go to work.

Learn more about environmental design with ClearpH.